The Silly Side of Space!
In 2nd grade, Quest students learned all about space....but apparently they didn't get their fill!! These past 2 weeks we have visited the sillier side of space. Students created their very own alien...then taught the aliens! Students were tasked with writing clear instructions on how to make a snack. Students taught the aliens how to make cheesy pepperoni roll ups and s'mores. After showing the aliens how to make the snack, we all chowed down! It was clear from the chocolate on the chins, that everyone loved this activity! Students also learned how NASA grows plants in space with their VEGGIE system. We then started our own seedlings. Some are already sprouting! Next, these creative kiddos constructed their own planet with paper mache. After drying, they painted their unique planet to fit their personal art style. While the paper mache was drying, students took a break to play Would You version! And FINALLY, we got some new lightbulbs in our room that the stude...